Hedelmällisyyskertoimet kaupunki-maaseutuluokittain ja maakunnittain 2015 ja ...
Aineistossa on kuvattu ikäspesifiset hedelmällisyyskertoimet kaupunki-maaseutuluokittain ja maakunnittain vuosilta 2015 ja 2019. Ikäspesifeistä kertoimista on myös laskettu... -
catchment characteristics
The dataset was compiled to perform multiple linear regression analyses relating the losses of total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) to the explanatory data from their... -
Kasvukauden alku lehtimetsissä /Start of vegetation period in deciduous vege...
The data set consists of yearly maps of the start of the vegetation active period in deciduous vegetation(Day of Year), which is defined as the day when deciduous trees unfold... -
JSBACH simulation dataset in Climate Guide
The land ecosystem model JSBACH was used to produce annual values for key climate change indicators for the period 1981 to 2099. The climate change indicators were derived for... -
Kasvukauden alku havumetsissä / Start of vegetation period in coniferous forest
The data set consists of yearly maps of the start of the vegetation active period (VAP) in coniferous forest (Day of Year), which is defined as the day when coniferous trees... -
PREBAS simulation dataset in Climate Guide
The land ecosystem model PREBAS was used to produce annual values for key climate change indicators for the period 1981 to 2100. The climate change indicators were derived for... -
Forest carbon budget
The dataset consists of simulated carbon stocks of biomass and soil, and the annual change in these stocks. Biomass carbon stock (kg C m-2) is the amount of carbon stored in... -
Agriculture indicators dataset in Climate Guide
Climate change causes effects on crop growth conditions in Finland. With agroclimatic indicators we can see how agroclimatic suitability for cultivating crop- and grassland is... -
Discharge data from automated river stations in Finland
The discharge of many Finnish rivers is monitored with automated stations. This metadata provides information and examples on how to access the data. A map interface for... -
Energy demand indicator dataset in Climate Guide
Climate change causes effects on the energy demand for cooling and heating of buildings with warmer temperature increasing the demand for cooling in the summer and decreasing... -
Phenological time lapse images and data from Monimet EU Life+ project (LIFE12...
The data set contains phenological time lapse images from a network of digital surveillance cameras for automated monitoring of phenological activity of vegetation and snow... -
Natural ecosystem indicator dataset in Climate Guide
A species can thrive only in an area with a suitable climate. The Impact scenarios of climate change mapping tool of Climateguide.fi presents how climate change could affect the... -
Test discharge dataset
This is a test dataset for demonstrating the functionalities of the AquaINFRA systems (AIP, VRE, DDAS). This link provides discharge data values (one per day) from one automated... -
River variables - water quality and quantity of the Savijoki River during the...
High frequency, hourly monitoring of the Savijoki River turbidity and water temperature in three monitoring site along the river was conducted using online YSI EXO2 sondes. The... -
Rakentamisen puujätteiden ja puupakkausjätteiden käsittelyvaihtoehtojen elink...
Työssä on verrattu puujätteiden käsittelyvaihtoehtojen elinkaaren aikaisia vaikutuksia kolmessa eri vaikutusluokassa: ilmastomuutosvaikutus, happamoittavat vaikutukset ja... -
Water resource indicator dataset in Climate Guide
Climate change affect water resources through shorter snow seasons, changed rainfall patterns and increased evaporation. This dataset includes water resources indicators related... -
Country Reports from YSI - Yksin osana elinkaarta -project
Fin: Tietoa yksinelävien asemasta ja erityisesti heihin kohdistetuista politiikkatoimista neljässä vertailumaassa: Hollanti, Tanska, Ruotsi, Norja. Maat muistuttavat väestön... -
Forest ecosystem services innovations
The data describes how 11 national forest policy documents in the EU discuss 5 different innovation types related to forests. The innovation types on the map are: product... -
Finnish air pollution emission scenarios
The dataset contains anthropogenic air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from Finland for 2015 and 2030. The emissions are calculated with the Finnish Regional Emission... -
Sediment and nutrient loading to surface waters in 3 different scales
In agriculture, nutrient streams eddy from field blocks to receiving waterbodies as part of the hydrologic cycle. In the waterways, the nutrients circulate through the...
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