catchment characteristics

The dataset was compiled to perform multiple linear regression analyses relating the losses of total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) to the explanatory data from their catchments.

For thorough information on the data sources and calculation methods see Röman et al. 2018.

Column abbreviations: Pivet_id: station ID in the PIVET-database Pivet_nimi_oikea: station name in the PIVET-database luokittelu: division to two sets (A,B) Area_FIN_tot: catchment area (km2) Area_FIN_Land: land area of the catchment (km2) n_TP: number of TP samples during 2000-2011 n_TN: number of TN samples during 2000-2011 TN_ABC: TN load (kg y-1) based on ABC-method TP_ABC: TP load (kg y-1) based on ABC-method NlossLand: Average TN loss (kg km-2 y-1; TN load divided by land area of the catchment) PlossLand: TP loss (kg km-2 y-1) Fieldpr: Field percentage of the catchment (%) ScatteredPerArea: People living in scattered settlements (persons km-2) LakePr: Percentage of lake cover (%) PointPlossPerArea: Point source load of TP (kg km-2) PointNlossPerArea: Point source load of TN (kg km-2) UrbanPr: Percentage of urban land cover (%) Kivmetsapr: Percentage of forests on mineral soils (%) Orgmetsapr: Percentage of forests on organic soils (%) CambisolPr: Percentage of Cambisols (%) HistosolPr: Percentage of Histosols (%) Rain: Average precipitation (mm y-1) Nfallout: Average N deposition (kg km-2 y-1) runoff: Average run-off 2000–2011 (mm y-1)

Data ja resurssit


Kenttä Arvo
Laatija Elina Röman Finnish Environment Institute
bbox-east-long 32.1892
bbox-north-lat 70.3982
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