Water resource indicator dataset in Climate Guide

Climate change affect water resources through shorter snow seasons, changed rainfall patterns and increased evaporation. This dataset includes water resources indicators related to the duration of the snow cover, water equivalent of snow, soil moisture deficit, evaporation, runoff and time of occurrence of the greatest runoff. Data are available on a regular 10 km x 10 km over Finland under current and future climate.

Data ja resurssit


Kenttä Arvo
Lähde https://metasiirto.ymparisto.fi:8443/geoportal/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7BA97671BC-CD62-4459-BAC9-0229F4C7A03F%7D
Laatija Noora Veijalainen Finnish Environment Institute
bbox-east-long 31.53
bbox-north-lat 70.07
bbox-south-lat 59.79
bbox-west-long 19.33
doi NaN
guid {A97671BC-CD62-4459-BAC9-0229F4C7A03F}
spatial_harvester true
topic_category inlandWaters