Test discharge dataset

This is a test dataset for demonstrating the functionalities of the AquaINFRA systems (AIP, VRE, DDAS).

This link provides discharge data values (one per day) from one automated station in GeoJSON format:


The station number (1097 in the example) can be modified to select another. The date range can also be modified.

A map interface for selecting stations and looking at values:


AquaINFRA project

Data ja resurssit


Kenttä Arvo
Lähde https://metasiirto.ymparisto.fi:8443/geoportal/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7BDB4FD0E0-D2C6-428D-B355-5393EC3363DC%7D
Laatija Sampsa Koponen Syke (Finnish Environment Institute)
bbox-east-long 31
bbox-north-lat 70
bbox-south-lat 60
bbox-west-long 20
doi 10.48488/z6zt-td50
guid {DB4FD0E0-D2C6-428D-B355-5393EC3363DC}
spatial_harvester true
topic_category inlandWaters