Dataset extent

Pharmaceutical emissions to the Baltic Sea

The map service presents the calculation background and selected results from a calculation model (Baltic Pharma Load model, BPL) developed as a part of the project CWPharma (Clear Waters from Pharmaceuticals 2017-2020) to help estimate the emissions of selected pharmaceuticals into the Baltic Sea environment. The map presents selected results for three pharmaceuticals: diclofenac, carbamazepine and ibuprofen. These results focus on the estimated loads to and from different regions, and present estimated concentrations in river mouths and coastal areas. More comprehensive results describing the calculation model and the calculation exercise carried out as a part of the project CWPharma are available in the report Äystö et al. 2020. With this map service, the viewer can browse the calculation results. The map service was compiled by the Finnish environment institute (Syke).

More information on the calculation tool & results: Äystö, L., Siimes, K., Junttila, V., Joukola, M., Liukko, N. 2020. Emissions and environmental levels of pharmaceuticals – Upscaling to the Baltic Sea Region. Project CWPharma activity 2.3 report.

Clear Waters from Pharmaceuticals (CWPharma 2017-2020) was a project funded by the EU’s Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme and supported by EUSBSR Policy Area Hazards as an integrated part of a flagship on Pharmaceuticals in the environment – a Baltic Sea Region cooperation platform. The project aimed at filling knowledge gaps related to the occurrence, emissions and risks of pharmaceuticals into the Baltic Sea environment. It strived to increase the awareness of policymakers, regulators and permitting authorities on environmental risks, enable the implementation of emission reduction schemes, and eventually decrease the emissions of active pharmaceutical ingredients into Baltic Sea region environment.

More information on the project:

Data ja resurssit


Kenttä Arvo
Metatietueen ID {1D85D79E-ADCC-4726-AFA2-742AED0F212A}
Metatiedon pääasiallinen kieli eng
Metatiedosta vastaava organisaatio Suomen ympäristökeskus
Metatiedosta vastaavan organisaation yhteystieto
Metatiedosta vastaavan organisaation rooli pointOfContact
Metatiedon päivityspäivämäärä 2022-12-08
Koordinaattijärjestelmän EPSG-koodi, ks. EPSG:3035
Palvelun päivämäärä 2020-12-18
Palvelun päivämäärän tyyppi publication
Palvelun yksilöivä tunnus
Palvelusta vastaava organisaatio Suomen ympäristökeskus
Palvelusta vastaavan organisaation yhteystieto
Palvelusta vastaavan organisaation rooli pointOfContact
Muut asiasanat humanGeographicViewer
Muut asiasanat: sanaston nimi Commission Regulation (EC) No 1205/2008 of 3 December 2008 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards metadata
GEMET-asiasana on-line service
Resurssityyppi Karttapalvelu
Palvelun aiheluokka Ei-Inspire
Muut asiasanat Ei-Inspire
Muut asiasanat: sanaston nimi
Käyttörajoitteet ja lähdemerkintä

Creative Commons Nimeä 4.0 Kansainvälinen

Source: Syke, Äystö, L., Siimes, K., Junttila, V., Joukola, M., Liukko, N. 2020. Emissions and environmental levels of pharmaceuticals – Upscaling to the Baltic Sea Region. Project CWPharma activity 2.3 report.


no limitations

Palvelun tyyppi view
Ajallisen kattavuuden alku None
Ajallisen kattavuuden loppu None
Palvelun historiatiedot

More information on the calculation tool & results: Äystö, L., Siimes, K., Junttila, V., Joukola, M., Liukko, N. 2020. Emissions and environmental levels of pharmaceuticals – Upscaling to the Baltic Sea Region. Project CWPharma activity 2.3 report.