Airborne spectrometer data from snow-covered terrain measured on March 2010

The dataset contains 10 meter resolution reflectance data from boreal snow-covered landscape. The purpose of the airborne measurements was to investigate the effect of forest canopy on optical remote sensing signals for snow-covered surfaces. The hyperspectral airborne data was acquired with an AisaDUAL imaging spectrometer on March 18 and on March 21, 2010 in Sodankylä, Finland. The image swath was 240 meters and flight lines were several kilometers long. The original spatial resolution of the data is 80 cm x 80 cm, but it was resampled to pixel size of 10 m. All measurements were carried out in non-cloudy conditions (0/8 to 2/8 cloud cover). On 18 March, the tree canopy was snow-free and snow on the ground was several days old, while on 21 March, the tree canopy was snow-covered and snow on ground was newly fallen. The data contains mosaics of the flight lines for the bands 555 nm, 645 nm, 858.5 nm and 1640 nm as well as for the Normalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI) and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) for both days 18 March 2010 and 21 March 2010.

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Kenttä Arvo
Laatija Kirsikka Heinilä Finnish Environment Institute
bbox-east-long 26.92
bbox-north-lat 67.4288
bbox-south-lat 67.3386
bbox-west-long 26.5162
doi NaN
guid {3E506CBB-E6E4-4F69-96E5-7B5AB4B25A67}
spatial_harvester true
topic_category environment