Forest ecosystem services innovations

The data describes how 11 national forest policy documents in the EU discuss 5 different innovation types related to forests. The innovation types on the map are: product innovation, process innovation and technology improvements, social process and networking innovation, service innovation and market rearrangement.

Spatial dataset has been created by joining the institutional data of each country as attributes to its administrative boundaries in a GIS-software (ArcGIS). These attributes are: CNTR_ID; Country; Forest ecosystem service type; Weight or importance given to the ecosystem service in the document; Weight in EU-level. The administrative boundaries of the countries are provided by Eurostat (© EuroGeographics).” Lisään vastaavan copyright merkinnän myös karttapalvelun infosivulle.

Data ja resurssit

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Kenttä Arvo
Laatija Liisa Varumo Syke
bbox-east-long 48.8025
bbox-north-lat 71.9793
bbox-south-lat 34.0186
bbox-west-long -24.9975
doi NaN
guid {E15F0A42-22B4-41D3-BB59-6C2528F7651F}
spatial_harvester true
topic_category society