Dataset extent

Suomen päivittäinen vesi-indeksi NDWI (Sentinel-2) 2016– / Daily water index NDWI for Finland (Sentinel-2) 2016–

[FI] NDWI (normalized difference water index) on vesi-indeksi, joka kuvaa nestemäisen veden peittämän maanpinnan ja vesistöjen osuutta. NDWI-indeksiä käytetään erottamaan avoimet vesialueet, kuten tulvat, satelliittiaineistosta. Indeksi on laskettu Sentinel-2 -satelliitin MSI-instrumentin ilmakehäkorjatuista havainnoista kanavien 3 ja 8 erotusindeksinä: NDWI = (B03-B08)/(B03+B08). Ilmakehäkorjauksessa sekä pilvi- ja pilvivarjoalueiden tunnistuksessa hyödynnetään sen2cor-algoritmia.

Aineisto kattaa koko Sentinel-2 mission ja molemmat satelliitit 2A ja 2B vuodesta 2016 eteenpäin Itämeren valuma-alueelta. NDWI-aineisto saadaan Sentinel-Hubin automatisoidun prosessin avulla.

Aineisto on tuotettu Copernicus FPCUP -osahankkeessa “Tailored downstream applications/products – from Copernicus to coastal and inland water monitoring

[EN] NDWI (Normalized Difference Water Index) is a water index which represents the liquid water content of land surface and water bodies. The NDWI-index is used to distinguish open water features, i.e., floods, from Earth observation data. The index is computed from the atmospherically corrected Sentinel-2 MSI data (Level-2) as the normalized difference index of bands 3 and 8: NDWI=(B03-B08)/(B03+B08). Atmospheric correction, cloud detection and cloud shadow detection is based on the sen2cor-algorithm.

The dataset covers the full Sentinel-2 mission and both satellites 2A and 2B from year 2016 onwards for the Baltic Sea basin. The NDWI-images are obtained from the Sentinel-Hub API through an automated process.

The dataset is produced in the Copernicus FPCUP action “Tailored downstream applications/products–from Copernicus to coastal and inland water monitoring”.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
File Identifier {13DBD235-7249-4E5C-8A63-822BD3A5D38A}
Metadata Language fin
Organisation responsible for metadata Suomen ympäristökeskus / Finnish Enviroment Institute (Syke)
Contact information of the organisation responsible for metadata
The role of the organisation responsible for metadata pointOfContact
Metadata revision date 2024-04-08
EPSG Code of the Reference System, see EPSG:4326
Resource Date 2023-10-04
Resource Date Type publication
Unique Resource identifier
Organisation Responsible for Resource Suomen ympäristökeskus / Finnish Enviroment Institute (Syke)
Contact information of the organisation responsible for Resource
The role of the organisation responsible for Resource pointOfContact
Thumbnail image
INSPIRE Data Theme Hydrography
INSPIRE Data Theme Land cover
GEMET Concepts Keyword moisture
GEMET Concepts Keyword remote sensing
GEMET Concepts Keyword earth observation
GEMET Concepts Keyword satellite image
GEMET Concepts Keyword index
Resource Classification Satelliittihavaintotieto
Other keywords Ei-Inspire
Other keywords: Thesaurus name
Other keywords Tarkka
Other keywords: Thesaurus name
Other keywords vesi-indeksi
Other keywords: Thesaurus name
Other keywords water index
Other keywords: Thesaurus name
Other keywords NDWI
Other keywords: Thesaurus name
Use constraints and source

Creative Commons Nimeä 4.0 Kansainvälinen

[FI] Syke on mainittava lähteenä, jos tuotteita käytetään julkaisuissa tai esityksissä tai saatetaan muulla tavoin yleisön saataviin. NDWI-aineistoa hyödynnettäessä täytyy mainita myös alkuperäisen datan toimittaja.

Sentinel-2 NDWI-aineistolle "Sisältää muokattua Copernicus-dataa, Syke (vuosi)"


[EN] Syke must be cited as a source if the products are used in publications or performances or otherwise made available to the public. When utilizing NDWI-data, the supplier of the original data must also be mentioned.

For Sentinel-2 NDWI-data "Contains modified Copernicus data, Syke (year)"

More info

Access Constraints

no limitations

Representation Type grid
Resource Language eng
Resource Topic Category biota
Resource Topic Category environment
Service Type
Begin Date of Temporal Extent 2016-08-24
End Date of Temporal Extent now
Lineage Information
