Dataset extent
Data and Resources
Additional Info
Field | Value |
File Identifier | {8E562E41-5465-40A1-9990-4EACE2537F01} |
Metadata Language | fin |
Organisation responsible for metadata | Suomen ympäristökeskus |
Contact information of the organisation responsible for metadata | |
The role of the organisation responsible for metadata | pointOfContact |
Metadata revision date | 2024-01-23 |
EPSG Code of the Reference System, see | EPSG:3067 |
Resource Date | 2016-08-09 |
Resource Date Type | publication |
Unique Resource identifier | |
Organisation Responsible for Resource | Suomen ympäristökeskus |
Contact information of the organisation responsible for Resource | |
The role of the organisation responsible for Resource | originator |
INSPIRE Data Theme | Sea regions |
GEMET Concepts Keyword | surface water |
GEMET Concepts Keyword | marine environment |
Resource Classification | Paikkatietoaineisto |
Other keywords | Ei-Inspire |
Other keywords: Thesaurus name | |
Other keywords | itä |
Other keywords: Thesaurus name | |
Other keywords | Veden ominaisuudet |
Other keywords: Thesaurus name | |
Other keywords | FEO |
Other keywords: Thesaurus name | |
Other keywords | Velmu |
Other keywords: Thesaurus name | |
Use constraints and source | Aineistoa voi tarkastella Velmu-karttapalvelussa tai rajapinnan kautta. The Data set is viewable in the Velmu map service or through the interface. Materialet kan granskas via Velmu-karttjänsten eller via gränssnittet. ©Syke Lähde: Syke |
Access Constraints | Public access to spatial data sets and services would adversely affect the protection of the environment to which such information relates, such as the location of rare species. |
Representation Type | grid |
Scale (Denominator) | 10000 |
Scale (Denominator) | 4000000 |
Resource Language | fin |
Resource Topic Category | environment |
Service Type | |
Begin Date of Temporal Extent | unknown |
End Date of Temporal Extent | unknown |
Lineage Information | Pohjanläheisen lämpötilan laskemiseen käytettiin Hertta-tietokannan ja t/a Arandan limnos- ja ctd -mittaustuloksia vuosilta 2003 – 2013. Lämpötilamittaukset keskiarvoistettiin kesäkuukausille (kesäkuu-elokuu). Mallin luotettavuus on parempi rannikolla verrattuna avomerialueisiin ja syvemmällä oleviin pohjiin mittauksien epätasaisesta spatiaalisesta jakaumasta johtuen. Original data used for the model was derived from Hertta-database. In addition, limnos- and ctd water samples of r/v Aranda were included from the years 2003 – 2013. Temperature recordings were averaged for the summer months (June-August). Model reliability is better near the coast than in the open sea and deeper areas due to uneven spatial distribution of temperature recordings. För modelleringen av temperaturen användes Hertta-databasen och R/V Arandas limons och ctd mätningsresultat från åren 2003 – 2013. Temperaturmätningarna gavs ett medeltal för sommarmånaderna (juni-augusti). Modellens pålitlighet är bättre vid kusten än vid öppna havsområden eller djupa botten på grund av mätningsplatsernas ojämna rumsliga fördelning. |