Dataset extent

Meristrategiadirektiivin mukaiset havaintopaikat

Aineisto sisältää Meristrategiadirektiivin mukaiset havaintopaikat raportointikaudelta 2020-2026.

Aineisto kuuluu SYKEn avoimiin aineistoihin (CC BY 4.0). Aineistosta on julkaistu INSPIRE-tietotuote.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
File Identifier {27D3884E-3E00-47C0-8043-ECCEF659F93C}
Metadata Language fin
Organisation responsible for metadata Suomen ympäristökeskus
Contact information of the organisation responsible for metadata
The role of the organisation responsible for metadata pointOfContact
Metadata revision date 2024-05-20
EPSG Code of the Reference System, see EPSG:3035
EPSG Code of the Reference System, see EPSG:3067
Resource Date 2020-09-22
Resource Date Type publication
Unique Resource identifier
Organisation Responsible for Resource Suomen ympäristökeskus
Contact information of the organisation responsible for Resource
The role of the organisation responsible for Resource pointOfContact
INSPIRE Data Theme Environmental monitoring facilities
GEMET Concepts Keyword Marine Strategy Framework Directive
INSPIRE Priority Dataset Monitoring stations (Marine Strategy Framework Directive)
Spatial Scope of INSPIRE data National
Resource Classification Paikkatietoaineisto
Other keywords INSPIRE-tietotuote
Other keywords: Thesaurus name
Other keywords Maan havainnointi ja ympäristö
Other keywords: Thesaurus name High-value dataset categories
Other keywords Arvokkaat tietoaineistot
Other keywords: Thesaurus name EU legislation
Other keywords INSPIRE
Other keywords: Thesaurus name EU legislation
Use constraints and source

Creative Commons Nimeä 4.0 Kansainvälinen

Lähde: Syke

Access Constraints

no limitations

Representation Type vector
Scale (Denominator) 100000
Resource Language fin
Resource Topic Category environment
Service Type
Begin Date of Temporal Extent None
End Date of Temporal Extent None
Lineage Information

Aineisto koostuu Meristrategiadirektiivin mukaisista havaintopaikoista raportointikaudelle 2020-2026.