Dataset extent
Koskiensuojelulailla suojellut vesistöt
Data and Resources
Additional Info
Field | Value |
File Identifier | {CF5DEA48-E8E4-49AA-8EDB-DBE862B92F07} |
Metadata Language | fin |
Organisation responsible for metadata | Suomen ympäristökeskus |
Contact information of the organisation responsible for metadata | |
The role of the organisation responsible for metadata | pointOfContact |
Metadata revision date | 2024-05-20 |
EPSG Code of the Reference System, see | EPSG:3067 |
EPSG Code of the Reference System, see | EPSG:3035 |
Resource Date | 2000-01-01 |
Resource Date Type | publication |
Unique Resource identifier | |
Organisation Responsible for Resource | Suomen ympäristökeskus |
Contact information of the organisation responsible for Resource | |
The role of the organisation responsible for Resource | owner |
Thumbnail image | |
INSPIRE Data Theme | Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units |
GEMET Concepts Keyword | nature protection |
GEMET Concepts Keyword | land use |
Spatial Scope of INSPIRE data | National |
Resource Classification | Paikkatietoaineisto |
Other keywords | INSPIRE-tietotuote |
Other keywords: Thesaurus name | |
Other keywords | Suojelualue |
Other keywords: Thesaurus name | |
Other keywords | Maan havainnointi ja ympäristö |
Other keywords: Thesaurus name | High-value dataset categories |
Other keywords | Arvokkaat tietoaineistot |
Other keywords: Thesaurus name | EU legislation |
Other keywords | INSPIRE |
Other keywords: Thesaurus name | EU legislation |
Use constraints and source | Creative Commons Nimeä 4.0 Kansainvälinen Lähde: Syke |
Access Constraints | no limitations |
Representation Type | vector |
Scale (Denominator) | 20000 |
Resource Language | fin |
Resource Topic Category | environment |
Service Type | |
Begin Date of Temporal Extent | 1987-01-23 |
End Date of Temporal Extent | unknown |
Lineage Information | Aineisto on numeeristettu alunpitäen Ympäristöministeriössä vuosina 1993-1995 pöytädigitointina. Tausta-aineistona oli 1: 250 000 mittakaavainen pohjakartta. Tämän jälkeen aineistoa on tarkennettu peruskarttamittakaavaan Suomen ympäristökeskuksessa kuvaruutudigitointina. Suojellut vesistöt ja vesistön osat on poimittu valuma-alueet -aineistosta valuma-aluetunnuksen perusteella. The dataset was first digitized by the Ministry of the Environment in 1993-1995. For this digitizing the base map in scale 1:250 000 was used as a source material. After this the dataset has been defined to match the Finnish base maps in scale 1:20 000 in Finnish Environment Institute (Syke). The outlines for the protected catchment areas are merged from the river basin dataset based on the river basin id. |