Dataset extent

Algaline transect measurement API

Service endpoint:

Service layer: algaline:transect_measurements

[FI] Palvelu sisältää Algaline-läpivirtajärjestelmän vedenlaatumittaukset. Algaline-järjestelmä koostuu Itämerellä kulkeviin merialuksiin asennetuista automaattisista mittauslaitteistoista. Kukin laitteisto tuottaa automaattimittauksia useista vedenlaatua kuvaavista parametreista noin 20 sekunnin välein aluksen reitiltä.

Tämä rajapintapalvelu sisältää läpivirtalaitteiston vedenlaatumittaukset vuodesta 1998 eteenpäin. Havainnot on käytettävissä OGC-yhteensopivilla WMS ja WFS -pyynnöillä. Palvelun aineisto päivittyy tunneittain.

Palvelun sisältämien pistekohteiden attribuutit ovat:

  • time = mittaustapahtuman ajanhetki (UTC0)
  • lat, lon = mittaustapahtuman koordinaatit WGS84 (EPSG:4326) järjestelmässä
  • vessel_speed = aluksen nopeus mittaushetkellä (solmua)
  • parameter_group = mitatun parametrin ryhmittelytunnus; arvot:
    • flow = läpivirtamittaus
  • parameter_name = mitatun parametrin nimi; arvot:
    • sochlfl = flow-through in vivo chl fluorescence
    • sopcfl = flow-through in vivo pc fluorescence
    • sosal = flow-through salinity
    • soxtemp = flow-through temperature by separate sensor
    • sotemp = flow-through temperature by temp-sal-sensor
    • soturb = flow-through turbidity
    • soflow = flow-through flowrate
  • value = parametrin mitattu arvo (numeerinen; yksikkö riippuu parametrista)
  • meta_vesselname = aluksen nimi
  • meta_transect_gid = aluksen reitin (transekti) yksilöivä tunniste
  • meta_point_gid = mittaustapahtuman yksilöivä tunniste
  • qa_quality_id = mittauksen laatuluokka SeaDataNet L20 BODC -yhteensopivana laatukoodina
    • 174118 = luotettava arvo ("good value" -luokka L20 BODC -koodistossa)
    • 174121 = epäluotettava arvo ("bad value" -luokka L20 BODC -koodistossa)
    • (null) = laatutieto ei saatavilla

SeaDataNet L20 BODC laatuluokitus on saatavilla.

Muut attribuutit ovat teknisten järjestelmien ohjaukseen eivätkä ole tarkoitettu loppukäyttäjän käytettäväksi.

Rajapinnan käyttö edellyttää OGC-standardin ja Geoserver-spesifin CQL-suodatuksen käytön tuntemista. Esimerkki: parametrin sotemp mittaustulokset aikavälillä 2020-08-01/2020-08-02 saa palvelusta JSON-muodossa seuraavalla pyynnöllä:

Aineisto kuuluu SYKEn avoimiin aineistoihin (CC BY 4.0).

[EN] The service contains flow-through water quality measurements produced by the Algaline system. The Algaline system consists of automatic observation units on-board commercial marine vessels at the Baltic Sea. Each observation unit performs automatic measurements using a flow-through system in approximately 20 second intervals along the vessel transect. A transect is one continuous voyage from one harbour to another.

This API-service contains flow-through water quality measurements starting from year 1998, accessible by OGC-compliant WMS and WFS-requests. The service is updated hourly.

The available attributes for each measurement are:

  • time = time of he measurement event (UTC0)
  • lat, lon = WGS84 (EPSG:4326) coordinates of the measurement event
  • vessel_speed = speed of the ship during the measurement event (kn)
  • parameter_group = group designation of the measured parameter; values:
    • flow = flow-through measurement
  • parameter_name = name of the measured parameter; values:
    • sochlfl = flow-through in vivo chl fluorescence
    • sopcfl = flow-through in vivo pc fluorescence
    • sosal = flow-through salinity
    • soxtemp = flow-through temperature by separate sensor
    • sotemp = flow-through temperature by temp-sal-sensor
    • soturb = flow-through turbidity
    • soflow = flow-through flowrate
  • value = result of the measurement event (numerical; unit depends on the parameter)
  • meta_vesselname = name of the ship
  • meta_transect_gid = unique identifier for the transect that the ship is traveling
  • meta_point_gid = unique identifier for the spatiotemporal measurement event
  • qa_quality_id = the quality flag identificator as a SeaDataNet L20 BODC compliant quality code
    • 174118 = good value (in L20 BODC)
    • 174121 = bad value (in L20 BODC)
    • (null) = Quality flag not available

Note, that qa_quality_id values conform to the SeaDataNet L20 BODC vocabulary defined at

Other available attributes are for technical control and are not intended for public use.

The intended use case for the API is to request measurements for designated parameter and time interval.

To get the actual numerical data, use WFS-service and CQL-filter for filtering for desired parameter and time range. For example, measurement results for parameter sotemp during 2020-08-01/2020-08-02 as JSON can be requested using the following URL:

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
File Identifier {A0948CD3-35F3-49B6-B433-A082A47A581F}
Metadata Language eng
Organisation responsible for metadata Suomen ympäristökeskus / Finnish Enviroment Institute (Syke)
Contact information of the organisation responsible for metadata
The role of the organisation responsible for metadata pointOfContact
Metadata revision date 2025-02-14
EPSG Code of the Reference System, see EPSG:4326
Service Date 2021-11-16
Service Date Type publication
Unique Resource identifier of Service
Organisation Responsible for Service Suomen ympäristökeskus / Finnish Enviroment Institute (Syke)
Contact information of the organisation responsible for Service
The role of the organisation responsible for Service pointOfContact
Thumbnail image
INSPIRE Data Theme Sea regions
GEMET Concepts Keyword sea water
GEMET Concepts Keyword surface water
GEMET Concepts Keyword coastal water
GEMET Concepts Keyword water quality
GEMET Concepts Keyword ecological assessment
GEMET Concepts Keyword ecological status
GEMET Concepts Keyword eutrophication
GEMET Concepts Keyword monitoring
GEMET Concepts Keyword algal bloom
GEMET Concepts Keyword chlorophyll
GEMET Concepts Keyword turbidity
GEMET Concepts Keyword water salinity
Resource Classification Paikkatietoaineisto
Other keywords FINMARI
Other keywords: Thesaurus name
Other keywords EDMED code 2053
Other keywords: Thesaurus name
Other keywords ferrybox
Other keywords: Thesaurus name
Other keywords chlorophyll-a fluorescence
Other keywords: Thesaurus name
Other keywords phycocyanin fluorescence
Other keywords: Thesaurus name
Other keywords Ei-Inspire
Other keywords: Thesaurus name
Use constraints and source

Alg@line project from the Finnish Environment Institute Syke, as part of Finnish Marine Research Infrastructure FINMARI, is acknowledged for the availability of data.

Creative Commons Nimeä 4.0 Kansainvälinen

Access Constraints

no limitations

Representation Type vector
Resource Language eng
Resource Topic Category environment
Resource Topic Category oceans
Service Type
Begin Date of Temporal Extent 1998-02-03
End Date of Temporal Extent now
Lineage Information of Service
