Dataset extent

Ympäristömeludirektiivin mukaiset melualueet 2007

Vuoden 2007 EU:n ympäristömeludirektiivin mukaisen meluselvityksen melualueet.

Aineisto kuuluu SYKEn avoimiin aineistoihin (CC BY 4.0).

Käyttötarkoitus: EU-raportointiin ja meluntorjunnan tueksi.


This Syke’s dataset can be used according to open data license (CC BY 4.0). The Environmental noise maps dataset contains environmental noise maps from 2007. The database is based on the noise assessment report given to the EU in accordance to the Environmental Noise Directive (2002/49/EC). The dataset is used for reporting on environmental noise and to support noise abatement.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
File Identifier {AC0BB9EA-3110-45BE-B8FB-F877FB2E0833}
Metadata Language fin
Organisation responsible for metadata Suomen ympäristökeskus
Contact information of the organisation responsible for metadata
The role of the organisation responsible for metadata pointOfContact
Metadata revision date 2023-05-26
EPSG Code of the Reference System, see EPSG:3067
Resource Date 2009-11-10
Resource Date Type revision
Unique Resource identifier
Organisation Responsible for Resource Suomen ympäristökeskus
Contact information of the organisation responsible for Resource
The role of the organisation responsible for Resource owner
Thumbnail image
INSPIRE Data Theme Human health and safety
GEMET Concepts Keyword environmental protection
GEMET Concepts Keyword environmental noise
Resource Classification Paikkatietoaineisto
Other keywords Ei-Inspire
Other keywords: Thesaurus name
Other keywords SYKEn kansallisella rajapinnalla
Other keywords: Thesaurus name
Use constraints and source

Creative Commons Nimeä 4.0 Kansainvälinen

Lähde/Source: Syke

Access Constraints

no limitations

Representation Type vector
Scale (Denominator) 20000
Resource Language fin
Resource Topic Category environment
Service Type
Begin Date of Temporal Extent 2006-01-01
End Date of Temporal Extent 2006-12-31
Lineage Information

Paikkatietokanta on suunniteltu ja tehty Sykessä. Aineisto perustuu eri meluselvityksien meluvyöhykkeitä kuvaaviin shape-tiedostoihin. Shape-tiedostojen paikkatietoja on jalostettu Sykessä ennen niiden paikkatietokantaan lukemista. Jalostaminen on käsittänyt mm. koordinaatistomuunnoksia, topologian muodostamista, laskenta-alueiden välisten epäjatkuvuuksien poistamista, alle 100 m2 alueiden poistamista sekä uusien ominaisuustietojen laskemista.

The spatial dataset has been developed in the Finnish Environment Institute. The dataset includes environmental noise zones as shape files. The environmental noise zones are originally outlined based on various noise assessments and quality of the data has been improved before merging it with the database. The improvements have included coordinate system changes, creating topology, ensuring the consistency and uninterrupted structure of the noise calculation areas, removing areas smaller than 100m² and calculation of new feature data.