Dataset extent

Tarkkan vertailuaikasarjat (satelliittihavainnot) / Reference timeseries in Tarkka (satellite observations)

[FI] Vertailuaikasarjoissa esitetyt satelliittihavainnot (EO) perustuvat asemaa ympäröivän, halkaisijaltaan enintään 930 metrin suuruisen pyöreän vertailualueen sisältä kerättyihin havaintoihin. Vertailualueesta on poistettu maa-alueet, joten vertailualueen koko ja muoto vaihtelevat asemittain etenkin pienillä järvillä ja lähellä rantaviivaa.

Kutakin vertailuasemaa vastaavalle vertailualueelle on laskettu EO-havainnoista statistiikat, joista Tarkkan vertailuaikasarjassa visualisoidaan mediaani ja 25/75-persentiilit. EO-havainnoista lasketut statistiikat taltioidaan STATUS-järjestelmän tietokantaan eikä niitä ole saatavilla rajapintapalveluna.

[EN] The satellite observations (EO) presented in reference timeseries are based on observations within a circular reference region centered at the nominal station location. The reference region is at most 930 meters by diameter. Areas covered by land are removed from the reference regions, hence the actual size and shape of the region varies by station, especially in small lakes and stations close to shoreline.

For each reference station, EO-statistics are computed within the corresponding reference region. The median and P25/P75-percentiles are visualized as a reference time series in Tarkka. The computed statistics values are stored in the STATUS-database and are not available via API-services.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
File Identifier {732E454F-252E-4C29-BA06-253245E75A27}
Metadata Language fin
Organisation responsible for metadata Suomen ympäristökeskus / Finnish Enviroment Institute (Syke)
Contact information of the organisation responsible for metadata
The role of the organisation responsible for metadata pointOfContact
Metadata revision date 2024-06-17
EPSG Code of the Reference System, see EPSG:3067
Resource Date 2018-03-22
Resource Date Type publication
Unique Resource identifier
Organisation Responsible for Resource Suomen ympäristökeskus / Finnish Enviroment Institute (Syke)
Contact information of the organisation responsible for Resource
The role of the organisation responsible for Resource pointOfContact
Thumbnail image
INSPIRE Data Theme Sea regions
GEMET Concepts Keyword remote sensing
GEMET Concepts Keyword earth observation
GEMET Concepts Keyword satellite image
GEMET Concepts Keyword coastal water
GEMET Concepts Keyword sea water
GEMET Concepts Keyword surface water
GEMET Concepts Keyword water body
GEMET Concepts Keyword Water Framework Directive
GEMET Concepts Keyword water quality
GEMET Concepts Keyword freshwater
GEMET Concepts Keyword inland water
GEMET Concepts Keyword ecological assessment
GEMET Concepts Keyword ecological status
GEMET Concepts Keyword eutrophication
GEMET Concepts Keyword monitoring
GEMET Concepts Keyword turbidity
GEMET Concepts Keyword temperature
GEMET Concepts Keyword chlorophyll
Resource Classification Satelliittihavaintotieto
Other keywords Ei-Inspire
Other keywords: Thesaurus name
Other keywords TARKKA
Other keywords: Thesaurus name
Other keywords status assessment
Other keywords: Thesaurus name
Other keywords brownification
Other keywords: Thesaurus name
Other keywords secchi depth
Other keywords: Thesaurus name
Use constraints and source

Creative Commons Nimeä 4.0 Kansainvälinen


More info

Access Constraints

no limitations

Representation Type textTable
Resource Language eng
Resource Topic Category environment
Resource Topic Category inlandWaters
Resource Topic Category oceans
Service Type
Begin Date of Temporal Extent None
End Date of Temporal Extent None
Lineage Information

[FI] Asemia on täydennetty 2019 ja 2021.

[EN] More stations have been added in 2019 and 2021.