River variables - water quality and quantity of the Savijoki River during the years 2016-2022

High frequency, hourly monitoring of the Savijoki River turbidity and water temperature in three monitoring site along the river was conducted using online YSI EXO2 sondes. The sensors were calibrated in a laboratory twice a year. All sensors were cleaned automatically by a brush before every measurement. The EXO sondes monitored both the position and the power consumption of the brush enabling the detection of malfunctions of the cleaning system. Manual inspection of the data flow and quality was check in a daily routine. EXO sondes were used from 2016-02-19 to 2022-05-09. There were no online EXO sondes in the Savijoki in the summers of 2019 and 2020.

The three turbidity monitoring sites are denoted in the data columns of the water_quality_EXO.cvs file with letters c,u,l. The letters refer to the following monitoring stations in the Savijoki River with identification, name and location (Latitude, Longitude): c = control site, Savijoki mittapato u = upper site, Savijoki Yliskulma l = lower site, Savijoki Bränikkälä Parmaharju, 60.526726, 22.537906

Water level (W, cm) was measured at the Savijoki mittapato site only. Hourly water level by a calibrated V-notch weir is transformed into discharge by a rating curve. Discharge has been converted into runoff (R, l/s/km2) by dividing the discharge by the contributing catchment area. Size of the contributing catchment at the Savijoki mittapato site is 15 km2. The hydrological station was managed by the Southwest Finland Centre for Economic Growth, Transport and the Environment the data was checked at the Finnish Environment Institute.

Content of the water_quality_EXO.csv datafile:

Datetime: date and time (local time) T_c, T_u, T_l: Preliminary turbidity (FNU) data where clearly deviating values have been removed. Sites: c,u,l

Turb_c, Turb_u, Turb_l: Turbidity (FNU) part of the data lacking in the column T_c has been interpolated. Sites: c,u,l

FLAG_c, FLAG_u, FLAG_l :Potential outliers in turbidity data marked with x based on visual inspection and comparison of timeseries monitored in the river. Sites: c,u,l

t_c, t_u, t_l: Preliminary water temperature (°C) data where clearly deviating values have been removed. Sites: c,u,l Temp_c, Temp_u, Temp_l: Water temperature (°C). Contains interpolated data. Sites: c,u,l

Content of the hydrological_data.xlsx Datetime: Date and time (local time) W: water level (cm) R:runoff (l/s/km2) WST: water temperature (°C)

Data and Resources

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Field Value
Source https://metasiirto.ymparisto.fi:8443/geoportal/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7B2C451DD8-C354-4D5C-BBCB-EA9424D18337%7D
Author Maria Kämäri Finnish Environment Institute
bbox-east-long 22.9
bbox-north-lat 60.6
bbox-south-lat 60.0
bbox-west-long 22.4
doi 10.48488/cpj7-wn62
guid {2C451DD8-C354-4D5C-BBCB-EA9424D18337}
spatial_harvester true
topic_category inlandWaters